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Community Handbook

Letter from the Executive Director

Letter from the Executive Director

On behalf of everyone that lives and works at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics, we are excited to have you as part of the Penguin Family! 皇冠足彩 is an intentional learning community providing a top-notch academic program in a vibrant and supportive residential community. I’m confident that you’ll find your time at 皇冠足彩 rewarding and life changing.

If you are new to 皇冠足彩, I’m sure that you will find many things unique to this special place. Dig in, ask questions, and find ways to engage in the community and you will quickly find how valued you are as a member of the 皇冠足彩 community. If you are returning, you are familiar with our community and I encourage you to welcome your new schoolmates as you were welcomed in your first year.

This handbook outlines many of the rules and expectations of being a member of our School community. It may seem like an overwhelming amount of detail and information, but as you spend time experiencing all that is 皇冠足彩 you will find that the expectations and rules contained in these pages are based in our commitment to creating a supportive community and a rigorous academic program. Everything outlined in this Community Handbook is a natural extension of the way we live together in our intentional learning community.

Our goal through this handbook is to establish a shared set of expectations that sets each and every student up for success. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a campus adult. Your advisor is a great starting place, and you should feel comfortable coming to any member of the administration. We want to hear from you and we want to clarify any questions you may have - when we share an understanding of our expectations for living in community the possibilities are endless!

Welcome home and I look forward to a great year!

Mission Statement and Philosophy

Mission Statement and Philosophy

The Maine School of Science and Mathematics (皇冠足彩) brings together and helps a group of Maine's most academically motivated high school students become innovative, well-rounded scholars with the ability to develop, investigate, and communicate critical ideas that improve the human condition and benefit the state of Maine. The school builds and shares a rigorous curriculum that exceeds state educational standards while emphasizing connections between science, mathematics, and the humanities. 皇冠足彩 extends its mission by fostering a statewide, year-round community of innovative learners that includes many of Maine's students, educators, and the general public.


皇冠足彩 achieves its mission by:

  • Providing a rigorous, immersive, student-centered curriculum that emphasizes the connections between math, science, and the humanities; including post-AP courses; and culminating in opportunities for authentic research and community service;
  • Presenting students with supportive opportunities to realize their personal and professional aspirations in Maine both through nurturing, challenging on-campus programs and through partnerships with research and higher education institutions throughout the state and beyond;
  • Creating a supportive, residential environment and academic community that promotes personal development, leadership, service, and academic success; and
  • Developing special programs to inspire younger students while also serving as a professional development partner for Maine's teaching community.



The administration, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees of the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (皇冠足彩) are committed to providing academic excellence to enhance previous student knowledge, as well as to prepare students for future studies. The opportunity to attend 皇冠足彩 is a privilege, and each student can make the most of this experience by being dedicated to the academic and residential programs. Graduates of 皇冠足彩 have experienced a well-defined curriculum based upon academic standards fostering both academic discipline and honesty.

All students live in residence to fully participate in this scholastic program of excellence with students who share similar interests. The nurturing of this educational community - the integration of the academic and residential components - is crucial to success at 皇冠足彩. Students are responsible for taking advantage of the academic and extra-curricular pursuits available at 皇冠足彩 and for supporting community members in both their academic and personal development.

History of 皇冠足彩

History of 皇冠足彩

Following the closure of the Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine, the Defense Reauthorization Bill awarded $1 million to the creation of the Maine School of Science and Mathematics. The funding was used to convert the former Limestone Elementary School into a dorm for 150 Maine students. 皇冠足彩 opened in the fall of 1995, sharing its facilities with the Limestone Community School.

Renowned for its quirky culture and advanced course offerings, 皇冠足彩 remains the only magnet school currently operating in the state of Maine. In 2019, 皇冠足彩 was ranked the #2 public high school by US News and World Report and continues to rank regionally and nationally by 皇冠足彩 is ranked as the #1 Best Public High School in the state of Maine and the #5 Best Public High School Teachers in America by



皇冠足彩 recognizes the importance of timely and transparent communication. To facilitate this, we publish information through the following means:

  • Announcements at dorm meetings, wing meetings, and advisory lunch
  • Academic Programs Updates (email)
  • Emails
  • 皇冠足彩 Website
  • 皇冠足彩 Facebook Page
  • 皇冠足彩 Academic, Co-Curricular, Athletics, and Activities Calendars
  • Traditional Bulletin Boards

Any creation, or use of a publication, website, or social media account using the name, Maine School of Science Mathematics, its abbreviation (皇冠足彩), or its logos must be approved by the Executive Director/designee.

With the involvement of the Student Senate, 皇冠足彩 Administration has established a minimum amount of notification time for students regarding routine campus events:

  • Action and Preparation Required: 2 weeks before event
  • Attendance Required: 48 hours before event
  • Policy Change or Decision: Upon Implementation

We strive to be readily available to answer questions and receive feedback from each member of our community. If there is a problem, concern, or conflict, all are encouraged to start communicating as close to the source as possible. Those immediately involved are in the best position to act quickly and effectively. Only when those attempts have been exhaustively pursued are individuals encouraged to broaden the scope of involvement. To this end, a student resource tree is provided on the back cover of this document. For residential life concerns, parents/legal guardians are asked to use the same tree beginning with the Residential Instructor. Parents/legal guardians are urged to help their sons or daughters become skilled and confident self-advocates by encouraging them to voice any questions or concerns to the appropriate staff member. We recognize that face-to-face communication is ideal, but when it is not possible, phone and email can be effective alternatives.

The 皇冠足彩 Experience

The 皇冠足彩 Experience

About 皇冠足彩

We are a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) magnet residential high school for scholars in grades 9-12 who enjoy stretching their brains in new and challenging directions. Our students hail from across the state of Maine and around the world. They come for inquiry, camaraderie, and a unique high school experience. Here students, staff, and faculty engage in energetic intellectual sparring served up with encouragement and support.

Why Limestone?

Following the 1994 closure of Loring Air Force Base, the Maine State Legislature chartered and funded the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (皇冠足彩) at the site of the Limestone High School. 皇冠足彩 also acquired the former nearby elementary school and promptly converted it into a 150-bed dormitory. The fall of 2017 saw the first time we hosted our own varsity athletic program independent from the Limestone Eagles, LCS, as they recently merged with Caribou High School. The 皇冠足彩 Penguins enjoy three varsity-level athletic teams in all three seasons, both boys and girls. The inaugural fall season bodes well for our scholar-athletes as both soccer teams qualified for the playoffs while several of the cross-country runners advanced to the State meet. In 2022, both boys' and girls’ volleyball teams won All-Aroostook Championship.

National Ranking

Throughout the years, 皇冠足彩 continues to rank strongly in such publications as US News and World Report ranking as high as number two in the nation in 2019. As a member of the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS), 皇冠足彩 strives to remain current in STEM education.



The academic staff consists of Full- and Part-time Faculty, the Student Academic Support Coordinator, the 504 Coordinator, and Special Education Consultant, and the Registrar. The structure of oversight includes the Academic Dean and Division Leaders department chairs for STEM (Mathematics, Science, Computer Science, and Engineering) and Humanities (English, Social Studies, World Languages, and Fine Arts).

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

At 皇冠足彩, students and staff take great pride in academic honesty and a supportive academic environment. All are expected to maintain habits of rigorous debate, healthy inquiry, and the vigorous pursuit of truth. Academic dishonesty, in any of its forms, disrupts the learning process and tarnishes the integrity of our community. As a result, 皇冠足彩 will treat instances of academic dishonesty very seriously.

If an instructor grants permission, students may collaborate in completing assignments and homework. Any unauthorized collaboration, copying, using of notes on exams/major assessments, storing of non-permitted information on calculators or on computers, or any other unacceptable activity that gives a student or a group of students advantages over others is cheating and will not be tolerated.

While the assimilation of ideas from many sources is basic to academic research and intellectual development, students must always reference the use of any non-original materials. Failure to do so is plagiarism, and this dishonesty impairs an instructor's ability to evaluate a student's performance. Plagiarism is using someone else's ideas, wording, or data without proper or complete acknowledgment. Credit must be given for ideas and information that belongs to someone else, whether it is quoted, summarized, or paraphrased. Faculty members may require that notes, drafts, and a list of sources be submitted along with the finished project. Failure to provide evidence of the work process may constitute an admission of plagiarism.

If students have questions regarding the use of materials or the appropriateness of their use, they should consult the appropriate faculty member. The following list provides an overview of some situations that are considered inappropriate use of materials:

  • The verbatim reproduction or rephrasing of the content of any source that is not original as if it were one's own;
  • The use of any thought, research, organization of material, presentation, or phrasing of another person as if it were one's own — i.e., using a source without proper credit;
  • The use of another person's laboratory data or conclusions without documenting that use;
  • Falsifying data or research;
  • Any collaboration on assignments which are intended to be completed independently;
  • Copying the work or answers of others on assignments or tests;
  • Allowing others to copy one's work or answers on assignments or tests;
  • Sharing test questions or answers with another student; and 
  • Multiple submissions of one's own work from another school or another class are not permissible, unless the work is the product of an interdisciplinary assignment with permission from both instructors — (For example: a student cannot take a paper that he/she did in English and submit it for a History class).

Investigations of academic dishonesty will begin with the class instructor.  The advisor, Division Leader, and parent/guardian will be informed if there is reason to believe a student has violated the academic honesty policy.  The student’s advisor will assist the student in navigating the process involved in investigating situations of academic dishonesty.  If a student is found to have committed academic dishonesty (after an investigation by the Division Leader, administrative representative, advisor, and course instructor), that information (and appropriate penalty) will be reported to the parent/guardian, Director of Residential Life, and Executive Director, and will be recorded in the student information system.  Typically, the penalty for a first instance of academic dishonesty will be based on language in the instructor’s syllabus.  A second infraction will be treated as a school violation, while a third infraction will likely result in dismissal from 皇冠足彩. Disciplinary actions may be reported to colleges.

Academic Expectations

Academic Expectations

All students should dedicate themselves to fulfilling the potential which 皇冠足彩 recognized through their initial acceptances as students. Students, regardless of ability or grades, are expected to adhere to the philosophy of 皇冠足彩, which requires a total effort toward maximizing learning and a commitment to academic integrity. A high level of effort and exemplary attitude toward the learning process generally equates to success at 皇冠足彩. Students who are not able to meet the School's expectations may be encouraged to withdraw or may be dismissed from 皇冠足彩.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Students receive an 皇冠足彩 diploma by successfully completing 皇冠足彩's graduation requirements. Students earn a one-half credit for each one-semester course in which they earn a passing grade for the semester. Students earn 1 credit for each year-long course in which they earn a passing grade for the year. Students who do not pass a year-long course for the year will not receive any credit and must repeat the entire course. No partial credit shall be awarded for any course.
In order to receive an 皇冠足彩 diploma, students must have successfully completed the following credits (1 credit equals one year) and have met all of the (additional enrollment) requirements outlined below:


  • 4 mathematics (with a minimum of Before Calculus)
  • 4 lab-based sciences (including one credit each of biology, chemistry, and physics)
  • 4 English (including 1 credit of 皇冠足彩 composition and research (at any level)
  • 1 US History
  • 1 social science elective
  • 2 world language (the same language)
  • 1 fine arts
  • ½ junior seminar 
  • ½ senior seminar
  • ½ first year seminar
  • ½ wellness ( a.k.a. health)
  • Students earn a ½ credit for each one-semester course in which they earn a passing grade for the semester, while students earn 1 credit for each year-long course in which they earn a passing grade for the year. Students who do not pass year-long courses for the year will not receive any credit and must repeat the entire course. No partial credit shall be awarded for any course..
  • *Beginning with the class of 2021, seniors who have completed either AP Calculus BC OR both AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics may petition to be exempted from the annual mathematics requirement. The goal of any exemption is to create an opportunity for further academic exploration by the student. For more information, students are advised to speak with the STEM Division Leader, their advisor, and math teacher.
Additional Enrollment Requirements

Additional Enrollment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 4 core classes each semester which must include mathematics, laboratory science, and English. At 皇冠足彩, other core classes include any social science, computer science, and/or world language classes, as well as electives in math, science, and English. Certain fine arts courses that are cross-referenced with other departments may be considered core courses.

Students must successfully complete a work assignment and fitness course each semester at 皇冠足彩.

Students must successfully complete J-Term each year at 皇冠足彩.

Course of Study

Course of Study


Placement of first-year students will be determined by students' transcripts, past work, Admissions tests in math and English, and 皇冠足彩 placement exam results. Subsequent placements for math, science, English, and world languages will be determined by each department based on performance while at 皇冠足彩.

Transfer credits

Transfer credits

The maximum number of high school mathematics, science, and English classes a student may transfer to 皇冠足彩 depends upon entry grade to 皇冠足彩.

  • Freshmen - None
  • Sophomore - 1 math, 1 science, 1 English
  • Junior - 2 math, 2 science, 2 English
  • Senior - 3 math, 3 science, 3 English

These, plus credits of world language, social science, and fine arts, will transfer to 皇冠足彩 provided the student earned a C- or better, or demonstrated proficiency (by a proficiency-based report card) in the courses.

皇冠足彩 does not grant credit for courses taken at another high school while a student is enrolled at 皇冠足彩.

After entering 皇冠足彩, transferred credits are limited to pre-approved courses taken at a college or university.

The Division Leaders will approve these courses. Students will only receive credit for courses in which a grade of C- or better is earned. This applies to a course taken at the student's initiative and/or to a course being repeated as required by the school when a student fails to earn a C- or better in a course. Transferred courses will be documented as such in the student’s Transcript Analysis Form, maintained by the Registrar.

Course Requests

Course Requests

Course requests start with the academic advisor. Advisees will meet with their advisors to review their placement recommendations and transcript analysis forms. Transcript analysis forms help the Registrar and student advisors to track classes taken/required for graduation. After discussion, students and advisors will complete a course registration form that indicates student requests. Students are required to take classes at their placement level.

Any student enrolled in excess of 5 core classes or 2 AP classes requires an approved overload permission form. These forms are provided by the academic advisor. In conjunction with the student, the student's advisor, relevant teachers, and the student's parents/legal guardians. The Academic Support Team will determine if the overload is in the student's best interest and what, if any, supports are necessary in order for the overload to be successful both academically and personally. 皇冠足彩’s Student Support Team consists of the Director of Health Services, the Academic Support Coordinator/Special Education Consultant, the Director of Residential Life, Division Leaders, and the Academic Dean. In order to enroll in a course that requires a prerequisite, students must earn at least a grade of C- in the prerequisite, or receive department permission. Advisors will send copies of course requests to students and families.



The procedure for adding/dropping a class begins with the academic advisor. After a conversation with the advisor, the student confirms the request via email to the advisor and parents/legal guardians. The advisor then confirms with the instructor(s) then submits the request to the Registrar using the Add/Drop Google Form. The deadlines and guidelines for adding and/or dropping courses are as follows:

  • Deadline to add: seventh class day of a semester
  • Deadline to drop without a grade: twenty-fourth day of a semester
  • After the twenty-fourth class day of a semester, withdrawal from courses will be shown on students' transcripts with the indicator of W for withdrawal plus an indication of the letter grade on the date the student withdraws
  • Faculty-initiated add/drop may occur after the sixth week of a semester with the approval of the respective Division Leader in consultation with the advisor and appropriate faculty members
  • No class changes are permitted after the Academic Updates are released
  • Any overloads initiated in the Add period must follow the same procedure as outlined above
Work Assignment

Work Assignment

皇冠足彩 believes in the importance of being a positive and active member of the 皇冠足彩 community. Work assignments provide 皇冠足彩 students with a formal opportunity to engage in that role. All students are required to participate in a campus work assignment for two hours each week. Work duties are generally based upon a mutual request by students and supervisors.

The Director of Residential Life oversees the work assignments and is responsible for finalizing assignments and communicating with campus work program supervisors regarding students' performance, attendance, attitude, and punctuality.

Students needing to miss their scheduled work assignments must notify their supervisors at least 24 hours in advance. If students have conflicts with other school commitments, they must switch shifts with other students or arrange to work at different times. Changes must be approved by work assignment supervisors. Scheduled shifts that fall on breaks or vacation days are not required to be made up.

Seniors who receive an F in the spring semester do not receive their diplomas until they have satisfactorily completed a term's worth of work.

Independent Studies

Independent Studies

Independent studies are designed to provide additional challenges for students with exceptional interest in a given topic not available to them in 皇冠足彩’s regular course offerings. Independent study classes are reserved for students with a proven record of academic excellence, including the demonstrated ability to work independently. Students must make arrangements to meet with the appropriate instructors to develop independent study proposals.

The completed proposal should be submitted to the Division Leaders as part of course registration for the following semester (link to proposal form). The Division Leaders will meet with the student, the academic advisor, and sponsoring faculty member to consider approval of the independent study class. The following information should be considered when submitting a proposal for independent study:

  • An independent study class may not be used as credit for a specific core class (ie “chemistry”) required for graduation;
  • In general, students will be allowed to participate in only one independent study class per semester;
  • An independent study class may not serve as an option for acquiring credit lost through a failed course except under extenuating circumstances;
  • Depending on the nature of the independent study, the class may or may not count towards a student’s academic load;
  • The product of the independent study (paper, etc.) will be presented to the 皇冠足彩 Community at the end of the semester;
  • Students are not eligible for independent study classes during their first year at 皇冠足彩;
  • Students have until the end of the semester to complete the independent study class. If not completed by that time, a grade of F will be recorded;
Concurrent College Enrollment

Concurrent College Enrollment

University of Maine at Presque Isle Credit

Under a Partnership Agreement with the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI), 皇冠足彩 students may receive college credit for many of their 皇冠足彩 classes. An 皇冠足彩 student who wishes to receive UMPI credit for an 皇冠足彩 course must be matriculated and deemed eligible for any relevant coursework according to 皇冠足彩's placement procedures.  皇冠足彩 students not matriculating in the UMPI Liberal Arts A.A. Program (see below) will receive 12 credit hours per academic year tuition-free as outlined by the Maine Department of Education. However, any credit hours over 12 will be charged the Early College rate set by the University of Maine system per credit hour.

Associate's Degree Program

Associate's Degree Program

Students interested in pursuing a dual degree should notify their advisor, who will arrange a meeting with the 皇冠足彩 College Counselor. As part of that process, students will develop a plan that will specify the courses required at each institution, with equivalent courses noted, to earn an Associate of Arts at UMPI and a diploma at 皇冠足彩. In the weeks following graduation from 皇冠足彩, students who have successfully completed all qualifications for the Science and Mathematics concentration within the Liberal Studies plan of study (minimum of 64 UMPI credit hours or their equivalent) shall receive an Associate of the Arts degree from UMPI.

  • Student Enrollment: Concurrent enrollment is initiated via ExplorEC, the portal for Early College at Maine's Public Universities. Once students register through the Early College program, they can select from a list of available UMPI/皇冠足彩 Dual Enrollment courses. Students seeking dual enrollment credits must be officially enrolled at UMPI for the course during the semester the course is offered - no credits can be awarded retroactively.
  • Reporting of Grades: The instructor of each UMPI concurrent enrollment course will submit their grades to 皇冠足彩 by the regular deadline established by 皇冠足彩. Within seven business days of that deadline, the 皇冠足彩 Registrar will report the grades of each student enrolled in each UMPI approved course to the UMPI Registrar.
  • Student Services: Concurrent enrollment students will have access to all college academic and student support services, including, but not limited to, libraries, electronic library resources, writing centers, tutorial services, assessment, admissions, and academic advisement. Some services are available only on UMPI’s campus. Concurrent enrollment students will be issued a free UMPI ID card that is good for 3 years - a replacement charge for lost IDs will be assessed. Students have the option of purchasing a sticker at the UMPI designated price to utilize the Gentile Hall facilities. Students with disabilities may be provided services as identified by their IEP through the high school. At no time may accommodations exceed those offered by UMPI as a college-level course, or exceed those allowable by law.
  • Transcripts: 皇冠足彩 students wishing to receive transcripts of their UMPI credits may do so by submitting a Transcript Request to the UMPI Registrar’s Office.
  • Leaves of Absence/Withdrawals: 皇冠足彩 will notify the UMPI Registrar in writing if a student is granted a leave of absence or withdraws from an UMPI concurrent enrollment course. If the student does so prior to UMPI 皇冠足彩’s deadline for add/drop withdrawing from a class, then the UMPI Registrar will not enter a grade for the course. If the student does so after UMPI 皇冠足彩’s deadline, then the UMPI Registrar will assign a “W/grade” for the course.
  • Financial Considerations: 皇冠足彩 students who are matriculating in the UMPI Liberal Arts A.A. Program will be charged the Early College rate per credit hour for credit hours over the 12 credit hours offered free, but only for courses outlined in the Liberal Arts A.A. Program agreement between UMPI and 皇冠足彩. Any courses taken outside of the UMPI Liberal Arts A.A. Program will be charged the Early College rate.
University of New England (UNE) Transfer Partnership Program

University of New England (UNE) Transfer Partnership Program

In this partner program, 皇冠足彩 students who earn college credit with Maine School of Science and Mathematics Advanced Placement (AP) courses and transfer credits from the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) get a head start on a bachelor’s degree at the University of New England.

By completing designated AP and UMPI courses, students receive priority consideration for admission and merit scholarships to enter with sophomore standing at the University of New England. The information that follows is taken directly from the UNE Partnership Program flier.

Qualifying scores necessary to receive credit for advanced placement are recommended by the academic departments and are approved by the University Registrar. They are treated as transfer credits in accordance with the following table.

Non-MOU College Classes taken for 皇冠足彩 Credit

Non-MOU College Classes taken for 皇冠足彩 Credit

Students desiring to be concurrently enrolled in college classes for 皇冠足彩 credit must obtain permission and signature of their academic advisor and appropriate department chair. These additional college classes are not considered part of a student’s normal 皇冠足彩 course load, so students still need to be enrolled in a minimum of 4 core 皇冠足彩 classes. It is highly likely that students will not be approved to take more than one non-MOU class per semester. Students and their families shall pay all fees for courses not offered by 皇冠足彩.

Academic Attendance

Academic Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes and school-wide events in a punctual and attentive manner. Unexcused absences are tracked each semester and addressed as they accumulate. While the School’s response is based on unexcused absences accumulated each semester, consecutive semesters with significant accumulated unexcused absences signals deeper issues and the Director of Residential Life may take necessary action.

Unless otherwise specified in the course syllabus, assignments due on that day must be submitted to course instructor(s) electronically or given to the on-duty residential life instructor who will place them in the appropriate instructor mailbox in the main office for any planned absence. In cases of unplanned but excused absences, the advisor and Health Services Team will develop and communicate an expectation for work completion with the student. It is the student's responsibility to obtain class notes and assignments from missed classes, whether excused or unexcused.

Excused Absences

Excused Absences

Short-term excused absences, defined as up to two consecutive days, are as follows:

  • Health Reasons: Students are not authorized to excuse themselves from class. Students experiencing a physical or mental health issue must report to the School Nurse or Counselor to request an excused absence. In the event the School Nurse or Counselor aren’t available, students should report to the Director of Residential Life.
    • When granting an excused absence, the Health Team will identify an appropriate recovery plan based on the nature of the illness. Recovery plans will be communicated to residential life staff and they will monitor student compliance - students are expected to follow the recovery plan. Non-compliance may result in consequences, including removal of the excused absence and removal of campus for the recovery period. Potential plan specifics/requirements may include:
      • Going to meals in the cafeteria
      • Moving freely throughout the dormitory
      • Going to the Learning Commons during the day
      • Going to the Learning Commons in the evening during Structured Study
      • Attending fitness classes or extracurricular events
      • Meeting outside of the academic wing with any adults in the community - all faculty and staff are welcome in the dormitory at any time
      • Completion of academic work while recovering
    • Students who are struggling with recognized mental health issues that prevent them from going to class are encouraged to meet with the Counselor. Examples include depression, thoughts of self harm and external issues such as family emergencies. Lack of sleep due to poor planning/misuse of time, not being prepared for class/having work done or returning late from off-campus trips/school functions are not appropriate reasons to seek a health-based excused absence.
    • Repeated need for health-based excused absences suggests that the supports available at 皇冠足彩 may not be adequate to meet the student’s need and ensure their physical and mental well-being. At the third request, the School will schedule a meeting with advisor, parents/legal guardians, RI, and administration to review the students health needs and ensure that the School is capable of meeting those needs or if further evaluation and intervention is necessary.
  • Family Emergency: Requests for an excused absence for a family emergency (illness or death of a family member) should be made through the Director of Residential Life’s' office.
  • Pre-arranged: A short-term(two school days) excused absence may be permitted for events such as school-sponsored activities, sports competitions, family events, or religious holidays. In such cases, a student must complete and turn in a Short-Term Absence Form (“Green Form”) to the Director of Residential Life. These requests should be made at least forty-eight hours in advance. The request will be reviewed and approved if the Director of Residential Life has no serious concerns with the student missing classes. The request may be denied if the appropriate paperwork is not completed prior to missing class and/or when the Director of Residential Life has serious concerns about the student missing classes. An absence of three days or more requires a leave of absence which must be requested at least five school days prior to the requested departure.  Emergency leaves can be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Make-up Work Due to Excused Absences

Make-up Work Due to Excused Absences

A student whose absence from class has been excused will be permitted to make up all work and assessments missed during the absence. On the first day, the student returns to class, he/she must make arrangements with the instructor(s) to complete outstanding work. The time period is generally one day for each day absent depending on the length of the illness.

If an excused absence is pre-arranged, all work due on the day(s) of absence is due in advance of the absence, unless otherwise agreed upon by the teacher.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused Absences

Missing courses, required meetings, sleeping in class, or being asked to leave a class may be considered unexcused absences. Arriving to class ten or more minutes late may also be classified as an unexcused absence. This should not be interpreted as a ten-minute grace period, as students are expected to be prompt. Teachers are not required to provide an opportunity to make up work missed due to unexcused absences. Unexcused absences are cumulative across all courses and required meetings. Unexcused absences reset each semester. The following procedures will be implemented each semester following any unexcused absence:

  • First and Second Unexcused Absence: A notice is mailed to the student, and his/her parents/legal guardians, advisors, and teachers indicating the recording of an unexcused absence.
  • Third Unexcused Absence: In addition to a notice being sent to the student, his/her parents/legal guardians, and teachers, the student will have a conference with his/her advisor.
  • Fourth Unexcused Absence: A conference is held with the student, his/her advisor, and the Director of Residential Life. Following the conference, a letter is sent to all necessary people summarizing the meeting and outlining consequences/supports.
  • Fifth Unexcused Absence: The Director of Residential Life has a joint conference with the student's parents/legal guardians of the student, the student, and his/her advisor to determine how to prevent further unexcused absences and the appropriate response.
  • Sixth Unexcused Absence: Any student acquiring six unexcused absences is required to meet with the Director of Residential Life and his/her advisor. A student who has accumulated six unexcused absences should expect to receive a short-term suspension.
  • Seven or more Unexcused Absences: Any student acquiring his/her seventh unexcused absence will meet with the advisor, Director of Residential Life, and the Executive Director. Long- term suspension or dismissal from 皇冠足彩 is the possible outcome of this meeting.
Excessive Excused Absences

Excessive Excused Absences

There is a direct correlation between class attendance and a strong comprehension of class materials. For this reason, students shall not accumulate more than five (5) excused absences in a given class. While the school does permit absences for such things as family events or religious holidays, we reserve the right to limit the number of excused absences for such events. While we recognize that it is still the family's decision to take a child out of school, absences beyond five for any given class may be treated as unexcused and handled accordingly. This determination will be made by the Director of Residential Life after hearing from all involved parties.



Students who are reported as being late for class three (3) times will receive an unexcused absence.

Long-Term Absences (3 or more school days away from campus)

Students may be extended a temporary leave of absence from school for a variety of reasons. Students begin the process of requesting leave by meeting with their advisors. Approval requires the completion of a Request for Leave of Absence Form where students document work that will be missed, propose a plan for completion, and review this plan with instructors. Final approval will be determined by the Director of Residential Life. We encourage open communication with families when these occasions arise. By working together, we will determine the nature and duration of leave. The length of time away from classes has varying degrees of impact on students' academic situations. Knowing this, teachers take steps to be as supportive as possible.  

In the case of a health-related absence it may be possible for students to attend classes remotely from home.  This is entirely at the instructor’s discretion, and no guarantees of remote learning should be assumed.  Some types of activities (science labs, for example) may not lend themselves to an on-line format.  Instructors may also not be willing to provide remote on-line exams, quizzes, or other types of assessments.  If possible, discussions regarding remote learning need to occur prior to the student leaving campus. 
Following are typical forms of leave:

  • Medical Leave of Absence: The school medical staff, Director of Residential Life, or student's parents/legal guardians and/or primary care physician at home may request a medical leave. Medical leaves are decided on an individual basis and are typically not granted for more than two weeks. Once a medical leave has been granted, the student's medical team and academic team will work together to determine a course of action. Should the team decide the student needs to return home, the team will determine the conditions, if any, of return.
  • Personal Leave of Absence: In unusual circumstances, a personal leave of absence may be granted at the request of the family or required by the school. The decision to allow or require a personal leave is made by the Director of Residential Life with input from faculty, RI's, medical staff, and administrative staff as needed.
  • Absence Due to Suspension: Students suspended from school are allowed to complete daily assignments missed, provided pre-arrangements are made between the students and their teachers. If a major project or paper is due during the time of suspension, students must turn the paper in on time in order to get credit (this can be by email, fax, etc). If the work is turned in late, regular rules for lateness will apply. Without exception, if a test has been scheduled before the start of the suspension, then the student should return from the suspension with an arranged time to take the test. Tests announced during the suspension must be rescheduled with the teacher immediately upon returning to school with the assistance of the advisor, if necessary.
Long-Term Absences

Long-Term Absences (3 or more school days away from campus)

Students may be extended a temporary leave of absence from school for a variety of reasons. Students begin the process of requesting leave by meeting with their advisors. Approval requires the completion of a Request for Leave of Absence Form where students document work that will be missed, propose a plan for completion, and review this plan with instructors. Final approval will be determined by the Director of Residential Life. We encourage open communication with families when these occasions arise. By working together, we will determine the nature and duration of leave. The length of time away from classes has varying degrees of impact on students' academic situations. Knowing this, teachers take steps to be as supportive as possible.

In the case of a long-term leave of absence, the School may be able to offer some asynchronous remote work to allow some progress in the student’s learning. This is entirely at the instructor’s discretion, and no guarantees of remote opportunities should be assumed. Some types of activities (science labs, for example) may not lend themselves to an on-line format. Instructors may also not be willing to provide remote on-line exams, quizzes, or other types of assessments. If possible, discussions regarding remote learning need to occur prior to the student leaving campus.

Following are typical forms of leave:

  • Medical Leave of Absence: The school medical staff, Director of Residential Life, or student's parents/legal guardians and/or primary care physician at home may request a medical leave. Medical leaves are decided on an individual basis and are typically not granted for more than two weeks. Once a medical leave has been granted, the student's medical team and academic team will work together to determine a course of action. Should the team decide the student needs to return home, the team will determine the conditions, if any, of return.
  • Personal Leave of Absence: In unusual circumstances, a personal leave of absence may be granted at the request of the family or required by the school. The decision to allow or require a personal leave is made by the Director of Residential Life with input from faculty, RI's, medical staff, and administrative staff as needed.
  • Absence Due to Suspension: Students suspended from school are allowed to complete daily assignments missed, provided pre-arrangements are made between the students and their teachers. If a major project or paper is due during the time of suspension, students must turn the paper in on time in order to get credit (this can be by email, fax, etc). If the work is turned in late, regular rules for lateness will apply. Without exception, if a test has been scheduled before the start of the suspension, then the student should return from the suspension with an arranged time to take the test. Tests announced during the suspension must be rescheduled with the teacher immediately upon returning to school with the assistance of the advisor, if necessary.



The following table defines 皇冠足彩's grading system. Numerical averages are first rounded to the nearest whole number.

  • A+(97-100)
  • A(93-96)
  • A-(90-92)
  • B+(87-89)
  • B(83-86)
  • B-(80-82)
  • C+(77-79)
  • C(73-76)
  • C-(70-72)
  • F(Below 70)
  • I(Incomplete*)
  • W/Grade (Withdrawal**)

*Incomplete (An Incomplete is issued when a student is unable to complete sufficient assignments for a faculty member to accurately assess the student's knowledge and skills. Incompletes are only issued in the case of illness or other extenuating circumstances.)

  • If a student receives an Incomplete for a course, a plan must be developed by the instructor, advisor, and student that sets out a timeline for finishing the class.  This timeline should then be shared with the appropriate department chair and the Registrar.

**Withdrawal from a course. If a withdrawal is after the first six weeks of the semester, the W will be accompanied by the grade at the time of withdrawal (e.g. W/B).

皇冠足彩 Effort Grade Rubric

皇冠足彩 Effort Grade Rubric

The effort grade is an internal tool to help assess whether students are meeting 皇冠足彩's academic expectations. 皇冠足彩's effort grade will be issued on progress reports and grade cards for all classes. Following is the grading rubric for effort grades:

Grade Standard

3 - Student models an exemplary work ethic that includes punctuality, few or no unexcused class absences, excellent and timely preparation of all homework and other assignments, a noteworthy level of class participation, and an exemplary attitude toward learning, as evidenced by a desire to go beyond the minimum requirements of the class. The student models a willingness to implement teacher recommendations for improvement.

2 - Student models an acceptable work ethic that includes punctuality, few or no unexcused class absences, consistent and timely preparation of homework and other assignments, an acceptable level of class participation, and a positive attitude toward learning, as evidenced by a willingness to try to meet all of the course expectations. The student models a willingness to implement teacher recommendations for improvement.

1 - Student fails to model an acceptable work ethic on a regular basis. Behaviors that would indicate this include some combination of the following - frequent tardiness, several unexcused absences, consistently poor homework preparation (including a failure to turn in a number of assignments), poor or ineffective class participation due to lack of preparation or an unwillingness to contribute to the class, failure to show a willingness to implement teacher recommendations for improvement, and/or a negative attitude toward learning (as evidenced by some or all of the aforementioned behaviors).

Work Assignment Grading Rubric

Work Assignment Grading Rubric

The work assignment grading scale is based on attendance, participation, and effort. The left column indicates the number of unexcused hours, and the top row identifies the quality of work. Separate effort grades are not given for work assignments, as effort is already included in this grading rubric.

Unexcused Hours

Student always follows directions completes assigned tasks and displays an excellent attitude.

Student usually follows directions, completes assigned tasks and displays a good attitude most of the time.

Student occasionally follows directions, completes assigned tasks and the student's attitude can be inconsistent.

Student rarely follows directions, completes assigned tasks and displays a poor attitude.

0 A+ A B F
1-2 A B C F
3 B C C- F
4 C C- F F
5 C- F F F
Academic Reports

Academic Reports

Grades are posted three times each semester at approximately the 1/3, 2/3, and at the end of each semester. The first is known as the "Progress Report", the second as "Academic Update", and the third as "Semester Grade". In addition, a "Final Grade" is posted at the end of the semester for semester-long courses and the end of the year for year-long courses. Final grades may be different from the semester grades depending on how the final grade is determined, as explained in the course syllabus. All grade communications are released as "Report Cards", found in our student information system.

Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Progress reports are submitted by faculty once per semester (after approximately 5 weeks, as indicated by the school calendar) and are released on the student information system to students, parents/legal guardians, academic advisors, and administrators. The progress reports include a narrative of academic strengths and weaknesses, effort, and letter grades. The official transcript, which contains semester letter grades for semester courses and year-end letter grades for year-long courses does not include effort grades.

Academic Updates

Academic Updates

Academic updates are released on the student information system once per semester (roughly 5 weeks following the progress reports). Every student will receive a letter and an effort grade. Narratives on academic strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement will be written for students who had a C or lower on their progress reports or who have slipped to a C or lower since the progress reports.

Academic Alerts and Kudos

Academic Alerts and Kudos

Academic Alerts may be written any time a faculty member observes that a student misses assignments, appears sleepy in class, scores poorly on a test, has a below passing average, or is otherwise not meeting 皇冠足彩 academic expectations. The alerts will be used to denote the areas of concern as well as to make recommendations for improvement.

Academic Kudos may be sent to reflect outstanding work done by students.

Copies of these communications are forwarded to students, student files, parents/legal guardians, students' advisors, residential staff, administration, and all other people for whom it may be important to inform of students' academic performance.

Semester and Final Grades

Semester and Final Grades

Report cards denote the end-of-term grades earned by students. Fall report cards are released on the student information system by December 31. J-term/spring report cards are released on the student information system by June 15. Exemplary students will receive one of two letters of commendation from the Executive Director. The Renaissance Scholar letter is for students who have a B or higher in all of their classes. The Polymath Scholar is for students who have all A's in their classes

Academic Status

Academic Status

Continuing Enrollment

Continuing Enrollment

皇冠足彩 recognizes that the school's learning environment is not appropriate for all students. Many factors are involved in the success or lack of success of a student, including, but not limited to: inherent ability, work ethic, level of commitment, effort, family support, willingness to seek and accept help, and prior opportunities. 皇冠足彩 assumes the right and responsibility to evaluate student performance to determine whether continued enrollment at 皇冠足彩 is in the best interest of a student. Students may forfeit the privilege to continue attending the school at any time their performance or conduct falls short of school standards or academic expectations. Please see the Residential Life section of the handbook for expectations of residential conduct for continued enrollment.

Academic Dismissal

Academic Dismissal

The status of students placed on Academic Probation is reviewed at the end of the probationary semester. Students' potential for graduation from 皇冠足彩 will be of major consideration during this review. Other factors, such as attendance and overall performance in areas unrelated to the failed course(s), may also be considered.

Students may be required to leave 皇冠足彩 if they:

  • Earn two or more F's at the end of the semester.
  • Previously spent at least one semester on academic probation and is facing another semester of probation.

Students and parents/legal guardians will be notified in writing by the Registrar of an Academic Dismissal. 皇冠足彩 will make such notification within seven (7) business days following the deadline for the receipt of semester grades.  

Academic Probation

Academic Probation

Students will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of a semester if they receive a grade of F in any course. Students who end semesters with multiple C-'s may also be placed on Academic Probation.

All students placed on Academic Probation must meet with their academic teams to review their progress and to develop an academic plan. Students, in conjunction with their academic teams, will outline appropriate actions to help them reach their potential. Scheduled time with students' instructors, time in the Learning Commons, structured study, or a recommendation to return to students' sending schools are all possible results of these reviews. Parents/legal guardians are invited to attend in person or via phone conferencing. Notes from the meeting will be forwarded to the student, parents/legal guardians, and other members of the academic team. Approximately every four weeks, probationary students' progress will be evaluated by their advisors and Department Chairs. Modifications to the plans may be made after these evaluations.

Appeals Process

Appeals Process

If a student is dismissed, the School reserves the right to immediately enroll a waitlisted student in the place of the dismissed student. In these circumstances, the dismissed student will be removed from all internal lists, e.g., class registration requests, room assignments, etc. Appeals shall be made in writing to 皇冠足彩's Executive Director. The written request must be received within seven (7) business days of written notification of dismissal to students by 皇冠足彩. The Executive Director will review the written appeal, the student record, and any other information deemed appropriate. Students and parents/legal guardians will be notified of the Executive Director's decision within seven (7) business days of receiving the appeal. The Executive Director's decision is final. If the appeal is granted and there is no space available, the student will be given priority on the current enrollment waitlist.

Student Support and Resources

Student Support and Resources

Academic Supports

皇冠足彩 strives to provide students with the support they need to develop and implement life-long skills required for the challenges at 皇冠足彩 and beyond. 皇冠足彩 is committed to student success and provides numerous academic supports available to all students.

Student Services

Student Services

皇冠足彩 provides special services for qualified students through 504 Plans and Individualized Educational Plans (IEP's). Students who feel they might benefit from these services are encouraged to meet with their advisor.

First Year Seminar

First Year Seminar

All first-year students are enrolled in First Year Seminar during the fall semester. The goal of this course is to ensure students have the academic and residential skills needed to be successful at 皇冠足彩. In addition to being a key support program for new students, First Year Seminar meets the requirements for the UMPI AA degree in Liberal Studies (University 101).

Faculty Office Hours

Faculty Office Hours

Each full-time faculty provides a minimum of three scheduled office hours each week and often more by appointment. Students do not need an appointment to drop in and ask questions or do work in the classroom during office hours. All 皇冠足彩 students are encouraged to take advantage of faculty office hours.

Academic Advisors

Academic Advisors

Academic Advisors play an important role in the success of 皇冠足彩's students. They receive all academic and disciplinary alerts and are the "hub" of student support. They act as an advocate for the student, a liaison for parents/legal guardians and the school, and can initiate team meetings and academic support for struggling students. Advisors, along with the Student Support Coordinator, Director of Residential Life, and Residential Staff, will help to ensure that students are making use of the appropriate and/or assigned supports available to them throughout the school.



Each student is assigned to an Advisory Group led by a member of the faculty. 皇冠足彩 students stay with this group and Advisor during their time at 皇冠足彩, developing close relationships with all members. The Advisor plays an important role in a student's experience, helping them navigate not only their classes and coursework but also the interpersonal ups and downs that come with being a member of a residential boarding community. Advisors assist students with class selection, serve as a student's primary academic point person, and even help make sense of the college application process.

Advisory Lunch

Advisory Lunch

Advisory Lunch takes place every Tuesday during the lunch block. During this time, students sit with their Advisory Groups and check in on each other. Schoolwide announcements are made by the Advisory Coordinator and other members of the community, birthdays are celebrated, and special contests may even take place. At the end of the lunch period, Advisory Groups return to an Advisor's classroom for an additional sit-down period to go over upcoming academic events, check in with each other, and play some trivia!

Advisory Program

Advisory Program

The Advisory Program is a holistic way for faculty to keep an eye on all of our wonderful students while also serving as a means to foster an even deeper sense of community. Outside of academics, Advisors are there to help students feel welcomed by organizing regular outings and other events with the Advisory Groups. Each Group also has opportunities to gain Advisory Points by participating in regular games and activities, and simply by being a positive member of the community. By emphasizing academic success coupled with socio-emotional support, 皇冠足彩's Advisory Program adds a robust extra layer of care to each student's experience!

Counseling and Wellness

Counseling and Wellness


Counseling Services is dedicated to providing social, emotional, and intellectual support for all 皇冠足彩 students. Counselors play an important role in supporting students as they adjust to life on a residential campus with a stimulating academic program. 皇冠足彩 provides students with two counseling services: walk-in counseling (drop-in) and scheduled appointments with an LCSW. Counselors are available to help students process the rigors and stressors of academics, living away from home, and develop skills and strategies to help with anxiety, stress, and other social/emotional concerns.

Wellness Programming

Wellness Programming

Happiness 101, weekly meditations, Yoga for Everyone, and other physical fitness programs help to support the whole student. Wellness Weeks and self-care activities sponsored by Wellness Club are a big part of the extracurricular student experience. 皇冠足彩 also maintains a Sensory Room where students can meditate, relax, and regroup during stressful times.  

Learning Commons

Learning Commons

皇冠足彩's Learning Commons Center is located in the LCS/皇冠足彩 Library and provides a quiet and constructive space to work on assignments, study, and work in small groups. There, 皇冠足彩's Academic Support Coordinator is available for a wide variety of general assistance, such as locating appropriate resources, developing schedules, and bolstering time management skills.

In the Learning Commons, students have access to three study rooms (upstairs) as study breakout rooms. The on-duty Student Support Coordinator can provide study groups access to these rooms. When not using breakout rooms, some study groups choose to meet in the 皇冠足彩 Computer Lab (also above the Learning Commons), which is a great space for larger group work.

The Learning Commons Center is open to all students during study hours and throughout most weekdays. The schedule is posted outside of the library.

Tutoring Program

Tutoring Program

As an institution dedicated to academic excellence, 皇冠足彩 takes great pride in its tutoring program and considers it an outstanding leadership opportunity. Each weeknight (Sunday-Thursday) during the Structured Study period, student tutors will be available in the Learning Center to provide academic support to students in most subjects offered at 皇冠足彩.

The tutors are all experienced 皇冠足彩 students who have successfully navigated the academic rigors of at least one year at the school and have shown themselves to be skilled in offering constructive support. After providing feedback and help as appropriate, they document their assistance in a shared document, giving the faculty and staff access to the amount and type of help that individual students receive outside of class.

Students may apply to be tutors at the end of their first year at 皇冠足彩,. and, with the recommendation of their teachers, enter into a selection process. Exceptionally skilled and experienced tutors may be offered the position of "Lead Tutor.”". These tutors comprise a small group within the larger tutoring program and function as team leaders, supporting the tutors and providing mentorship for less experienced tutors. Students may serve as tutors for multiple years and may do so as their work assignment or as a volunteer. All tutors are held to the same high standards.

Structured Study

Structured Study

Structured Study is a dedicated two-hour evening time block, from 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m., providing students an opportunity to focus on their academics and help them achieve success at 皇冠足彩. Structured Study is scheduled five days each week, Sunday to Thursday.

All new students are required to participate in Structured Study in the Learning Commons at the start of their first semester at 皇冠足彩. Depending on a student’s class standing (freshman, sophomore, or junior), the time when they will be eligible to come off structured study is listed in the timeline below.

    Fall Semester     Spring Semester  
  Progress Report Academic Update Semester Grade Progress Report Academic Update Semester Grade
1st Year Freshman Learning Center Learning Center Learning Center Structured Study Eligible for Removal  
1st Year Sophomore Learning Center Learning Center Learning Center Structured Study Eligible for Removal  
1st Year Junior Learning Center Learning Center Structured Study Eligible for Removal    
First-Year Freshmen and Sophomores

First-Year Freshmen and Sophomores

First-year freshmen and sophomores will be required to stay on Structured Study until Spring semester Progress Reports. At this time, first-year freshmen and sophomores will be eligible for removal, provided their grades allow it.

First-Year Juniors

First-Year Juniors

First-year juniors will be required to stay on structured study in the LC through the fall semester. Starting in the spring semester, first-year juniors will be eligible to be taken off of Structured Study, provided their grades allow it.

Returning Students

Returning Students

Any students having a grade of C or less in one or more classes are given a status of "academic concern" and may be placed in a Structured Study in the Learning Commons. In addition, faculty may request a student be placed on Structured Study.  Students' advisors, teachers, parents/legal guardians, and the Director of Residential Life determine the structure most effective to improve a student’s academic standing.

Note: Once a returning student is placed on Structured Study, a student must remain in Structured Study in the Learning Commons until the next grade report period (four weeks). Advisors, we ask that you speak with your advisees before placing them on Structured Study so you are able to help identify the best environment for their learning outside of class. Should a student need to come off of Structured Study prior to the end of a grading period, special requests must go through the advisor for approval.

Students who will routinely miss Structured Study due to evening classes may be required to reschedule the missed Structured Study hours in the Learning Commons. These hours will be rescheduled at the beginning of each semester with the advisor, who will inform the Director of Residential Life and the Student Support Coordinator.

Note: It is not intended that established study hours are the only times students should study. To be successful, students need to set aside additional study time each day. It is expected that by the time students reach their senior year, they will be able to manage their own time and will not need to be placed on Structured Study. Although not impossible, advisors may place seniors on Structured Study where additional support may be needed.

College Counseling

College Counseling

The College Counseling Office prepares students for college by assisting them in finding their most appropriate college matches. This is accomplished through a combination of personal meetings, individualized exploration and planning, and intensive seminar courses that begin in the spring of the junior year. College planning, standardized testing, and college financial aid information are all organized through the College Counseling Office.

Academic Team Meetings

Academic Team Meetings

Students who are failing a core course, or who have more than one C in core classes on their Progress Reports or Academic Updates, will have a Team Meeting with their advisor(s), the appropriate staff, and the parents/legal guardians to discuss the academic struggles that the student is encountering at 皇冠足彩. Any of these individuals may request team meetings or other additional supports at any time. The Academic Team meetings are organized and facilitated by 皇冠足彩’s Student Support Coordinator. At this meeting, an academic plan is developed and put into place. Additional team meetings will follow if necessary. Some of the supports in this plan could be—, but are not limited to—the following:

  • Mandatory office hours
  • Structured Study
  • Mandatory use of the Learning Center
  • Tutoring sessions with student tutors during study hours
  • “Weekend Warriors” study sessions

Because we believe the best interest of the student may vary on a case-by-case basis, we do consider many variables when determining when to add or remove academic supports. Some of these variables these variable may include:

  • Year in School
  • Year at 皇冠足彩
  • Recent Academic Performance
  • Past Academic Performance
  • Course Load
  • Extracurricular Commitments
  • Personal Circumstances
Junior and Senior Seminar

Junior and Senior Seminar

Seminars begin in the spring of the student's junior year. In Junior Seminar, the students learn about some of the resources available to them when researching colleges, and they begin investigating how to complete some of the more difficult portions of the college application. A major focus is placed on writing attractive and insightful admissions essays and completing the Common Application, which is accepted by almost 900 colleges and universities across the nation. During the fall of their senior year, all students enroll in Senior Seminar. In this course, students concentrate on perfecting their college applications for submission.



Transcripts are requested and submitted through 皇冠足彩's Naviance Family Connection website. Transcript Request Forms are available in the College Counseling Office. Upon written request from students or their parents/legal guardians, the Registrar sends official transcripts to scholarship programs and other agencies or institutions. Personal copies of transcripts are not considered official. No official transcripts are furnished to students or alumni/alumnae who have outstanding financial obligations to 皇冠足彩.

Standardized Testing

Standardized Testing

Colleges and universities utilize standardized tests as one part of the application process, as well as for scholarship competition and placement. The SAT and ACT are used by colleges to help them compare students from different educational systems. 皇冠足彩 is a testing site for PSAT, SAT, ACT, and AP exams.

Fees for national testing programs vary and are assessed by the individual agencies. Students are responsible for registering for these exams via the College Board and/or ACT.  Parents/legal guardians are required to pay the fees for SAT I, ACT, and AP tests.

A limited number of fee waivers are available from the College Counseling Office. No student should let finances keep him/her/them from testing. The College Counselor should be advised of any financial hardships or special situations.

Please remember that some testing opportunities take place when 皇冠足彩 is not in session. If students choose to test when 皇冠足彩 is not in session, they should select the site closest to their homes.



The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is co-sponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). The PSAT/NMSQT measures the critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills that students have developed throughout their lives. 皇冠足彩 requires and pays for all juniors to participate in the PSAT testing program. Freshmen and sophomores may also opt to take the PSAT but are required to pay for the exam at the current College Board rate.


The SAT is a globally recognized college admissions test that enables students to demonstrate their reading, writing, and mathematics skills to colleges. Most students take the test more than once during their junior or senior year.


The ACT is the test of choice in the Midwest. It is subject-based, measuring skills in English, mathematics, science, reading, and an optional writing test. The ACT may sometimes be substituted for the SAT, but policies vary from college to college. The ACT test with writing is highly recommended for students who may not be satisfied with their SAT scores or who believe they might benefit from a different testing format.


The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a cooperative endeavor between high schools, colleges, and universities. It allows high school students to demonstrate their mastery of college-level material through AP exams. Colleges and universities may, at their sole discretion,  then grant credit, advanced placement, or both to students who have performed well. AP exams occur in May. Registration is done in the first week of AP class, through the student College Board account.  Students who enroll in AP courses are expected to take the AP exam for those courses. Parents/legal guardians will be invoiced, by the business office for the cost of these exams. Invoicing will occur in April. Though there are no fee waivers for AP exams, students who qualify for free/reduced lunch pay a discounted price. If a student decides not to take the AP exam, the AP designation will be removed from their course transcript. The College Board applies fees for late registration and unused exams.

Testing Dates

Testing Dates

In order to register to take the SAT or ACT tests (described above) at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics, students will need the following codes:

  • 皇冠足彩 School Code: 200574 for both ACT and SAT
  • 皇冠足彩 Test Center Code for the ACT Test: 155210
  • 皇冠足彩 Test Center Code for the SAT Test: 20-217
Reporting Disciplinary Infractions to Colleges

Reporting Disciplinary Infractions to Colleges

Any issue of academic integrity and disciplinary offenses that result in suspension will be reported to colleges.

For infractions occurring prior to the application:

  1. The student should declare infractions in the appropriate sections of their college applications
  2. The student should provide a detailed description of the event which highlights his/her personal growth as a result of the incident. Students should see the college counselor for support and advice while creating this document..
  3. The college counselor will also report incidents that occur while attending 皇冠足彩 and provide an update of the student's current behavior, reflection, and growth.

For infractions occurring after the application submission through the date of graduation:

  1. Students should report infractions to colleges within 7 days of receiving consequences.
  2. The college counselor will then contact all of the student's colleges to inform them of the event. This conversation will focus on the generalities of the incident and the student's behavior, reflection, and growth since the event.


Parents and Students,

The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with the policies and procedures that are an essential part of the Residential Life program at 皇冠足彩. During the course of the year, the Director of Residential Life will communicate updates and additions to the handbook, if any.  All Residential Life students must follow the guidelines set forth, including students who are 18 years old or older.

As a Residential Life community, we strive to create an environment that promotes academic achievement, personal development safety and inclusiveness. We believe in the importance of trust, honesty and honor and it is our expectation that all members of our community adhere to these values.

皇冠足彩 Residential Life Staff

Residential Expectations

Residential Expectations

In order to enjoy the benefits of this residential community, students need to accept responsibility for the health and well-being of its members. The living environment of 皇冠足彩 is based upon the following principles:

  • Everyone at 皇冠足彩 deserves to be treated with courtesy and respect
  • Self-discipline, self-motivation, and continuing personal commitment are cornerstones for success
  • The 皇冠足彩 opportunity is a privilege extended by the citizens of Maine
  • 皇冠足彩 students will:
  • Be honest with themselves, faculty and staff
  • Understand that responsibilities and accountabilities for actions accompany privileges
  • Participate in protecting themselves, their property and the property of others
  • Exhibit behaviors that promote personal and community cleanliness and health
  • Be confident, caring, generous and contributing members of the community
  • Students, regardless of ability or grades, are expected to adhere to the philosophy of 皇冠足彩, which requires a total effort toward maximizing learning and a commitment to residential integrity. A high level of effort and exemplary attitude toward living I the dormitories generally equates to success at 皇冠足彩. Students who do not meet the school’s expectations may be encouraged to withdraw or may be dismissed.

Dorm Families

All 皇冠足彩 students will be placed in a Dorm Family before they arrive to school each year which is headed by a member of the Residential Life staff. The purpose of the Dorm Family program is to provide students with a small and cohesive family-like setting and for Dorm Family Heads to act as a Residential Life advisor and the primary resource for students and their families. Dorm Families will meet regularly with their families throughout the year.

Residential Life Staff

The Residential Life staff consists of a full time Director of Residential Life, Athletic Director/Student Activities Director, a team of Residential Instructors (RI) and the Director of Health Services (RN). Below are several responsibilities of the Residential Life staff:

  • Uphold the overall health, safety and well being of all 皇冠足彩 students
  • Provide a variety of non-academic opportunities to the community
  • Ensure the rules in this handbook, relevant to residential life, are followed and enforced consistently
  • Demonstrate compassion and empathy to the students’ needs and concerns

Residential Assistants: RA

The Residential Assistants are 皇冠足彩 Seniors who are dedicated to improving campus life. They serve as mentors and tutors to other students as well as the primary liaison between students and the members of the Residential Life staff.  RA’s assist with the coordination of activities, managing the dorms and assisting younger students with the challenge of daily life in the boarding community. Consequently, RA’s will reflect the best of 皇冠足彩 standards for personal conduct and leadership.

Health Services

Health Services

皇冠足彩 employs a School Nurse, who is available Monday-Friday. The Health Services office is located within the dormitory and office hours are posted on the door. Health Services include assessing needs and  performing first aid services, providing health care counseling, overseeing the distribution of medication, and aiding students in making unavoidable medical and dental appointments while at 皇冠足彩.  Please note that routine health care appointments should be scheduled during times when students are at home. Students and their families are responsible for all costs incurred by these appointments. If a student feels ill during the daytime, they should visit the Nurse on Lower C. If it is outside health services hours, they should notify the RI on duty.

皇冠足彩 offers a walk in clinic for mental health and counseling needs. The clinic is staffed Monday-Friday through the Aroostook Mental Health Center (AMHC). Information discussed with AMHC staff is confidential unless a student is found to be a danger to themselves or others. Students can access additional counseling services (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) by speaking with the School Nurse. For the safety of the community and its individuals, students must immediately report any injury or illness to the School Nurse. Students are expected to arrive on time for regularly scheduled medications.

If a student becomes sick while at home or on break, please contact the Director of Residential Life who will coordinate a plan for return to campus. Parents should make this contact early so that the Director of Residential Life can develop a plan that is least disruptive to the student.

Parents/legal guardians must sign permission forms allowing their children to receive treatment in the event of an illness or accident. Parents/legal guardians of students taken to the emergency room shall be notified by an 皇冠足彩 staff member as soon as the situation allows. In most cases, parents/legal guardians are called before students are brought to the emergency room.


皇冠足彩’s Medication Policy applies to both prescriptions and non-prescriptions drugs, as well as over the counter (OTC) medications. ALL medications (prescriptions/non-prescription) that students bring to 皇冠足彩 must be turned into 皇冠足彩’s Health Center within three hours of arriving on campus.

If a students misses their medication, it is important they reach out to the School Nurse  or a Residential Life staff member in order to get their medication. If a student regularly forgets or misses their medication, a call/email will be made to the family to inform them and to decide if a meeting should be scheduled to address medication management.

With Parental Permission, students are allowed to self-medicate OTC’s listed on the health form. Small amounts of OTC medications may be kept in student’s rooms. The amount of OTC medications students are permitted to keep in their rooms is determined by the kind of medication they wish to have. Generally, medical staff allow students to possess the amount of medication that would be recommended for a particular week. If more than that is needed, the parents/legal guardians will be contacted. Students found with more than the allowed amount of OTC medications will have the medication removed and a meeting will be called with the Director of Residential Life and the family.

With parental permission, students may have emergency prescription medications such as asthma inhalers and Epi-pens in their possession, but need to bring their own supply.

With prior approval of parents/legal guardians and the School Nurse, certain non-emergency prescription medications, such as birth control and acne medications, may be kept by students. To ensure the health and safety of everyone in the community, students will NOT be permitted, under any circumstances, to have in their possession the following non-emergency prescription drugs:

  • Schedule I drugs (example: prescription pain-killers)
  • Schedule II drugs (example: ADHD/ADD medications)
  • Psychotropic medications such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotropic, etc..

These medications must be kept under lock and key in the Health Center and given only by trained medication administration staff. Students found in possession of any of the above medications will have the medication removed and a meeting with the family may be called by the Director of Residential Life. 

Except in the case of emergency or through special arrangement, parents/legal guardians are required to have all prescriptions sent to Frontier Pharmacy in Caribou Maine: (207) 493-7771. It is the responsibility of the family to have the prescription co-pay prepaid before a 皇冠足彩 staff member can pick up the medications.



On Campus

  • Sunday-Thursday: all students must be on campus 8:30pm and 6:00am
  • Friday & Saturday: all students must be on campus 10:00pm and 6:00am

In The Dorm

  • Sunday-Thursday: 9:00pm all students
  • Friday & Saturday: 10:00pm all students

On Wing

  • Sunday-Thursday: 9:30pm all students
  • Friday-Saturday: 11:00pm all students

Lights Out

  • Sunday-Thursday: 10:30pm
  • Friday-Saturday: 11:30pm 

In Wing Times/In Building Times

  • Sunday - Thursday: All students must be on their wings between 9:30 pm and 6:00 am.
  • Friday & Saturday: All students must be on their wings between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am.

Lights Out includes all lights other than small book lights or headlamps for reading. Computers and electronic devices must be turned off at this time.

Late Lights Requests

Students may request an extension for lights out for academic reasons. This request must be made to the RI on duty by In Wing scheduled time. Students must have been studying during Structured Study for this request to be granted. If granted, this extension will last for no more than one hour after lights out. Under special circumstances, extensions are also possible for non-皇冠足彩 sponsored off-campus activities. Students should contact the On-Duty RI if they have such a request. In certain cases, students need written parental permission for off-campus activities.


  • Sleepovers are only permitted on Friday nights and only with permission of both roommates
  • Coed sleepovers are not permitted
  • Sleepovers privileges can be revoked at anytime
Dormitory Guidelines

Dormitory Guidelines

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are times when noise is kept at a level that allows students to study, rest or sleep. They occur during Structured Study, on the weekends before and during midterm or final exams and every night from 10:00pm-6:00am..

Structured Study

Structured study hours are from 6:00pm-8:00pm, Sunday-Thursday evenings. During structured study, all students are expected to maintain a quiet environment in the dormitory and allow others to study and complete their homework. Common areas and lounges must also remain quiet during structured study. Group sizes in lounges may be limited by the residential life staff to maintain a quiet environment.

Students specifically assigned to structured study will use this time to study in their rooms with their doors open or in the LC. These students who wish to work in groups or on class projects may use one of several areas in the dormitory after seeking permission from a residential staff member. 

Inter Lounge Program

Inter Lounge will occur on Fridays from 8:30pm-10:30pm and be held twice a month. During these times, students may invite members from another wing to hang out in their wing lounges. Students will need parental permission in order to participate in inter lounge. Signing in with the residential life staff is required. Inter lounge visitors are required to stay with their host at all times. If you are in a lounge with windows, you do not need to prop the door open. If you are in a lounge with no windows, the door must remain open at all times. Appropriate visiting areas are the hallways and lounges only. Students and parents/legal guardians will be presented with guidelines for appropriate inter lounge behavior during student orientation. Inter lounge visitation can be revoked for individual or all students if guidelines are not followed.


All guests must check at  the Dorm  Office with their host immediately upon arrival to campus. All guests  must adhere to 皇冠足彩 rules and are the responsibility of their hosts. Guests must remain with their host at all times. Hosting or visiting privileges may be revoked at any time. A guest is defined as anyone who does not live in the dormitory and is not employed by 皇冠足彩. Guests are allowed in the dormitory within the following guidelines:

The host must fill out a guest request in REACH and must be approved by both sets of parents before they arrive to campus

  • Non 皇冠足彩 students are not permitted permitted to stay overnight in the dorm unless they are a prospective student and The Director of Residential Life approves it beforehand
  • Guests are permitted in the common areas including the gym and lower lounge
  • Guests may not participate in inter-lounge
  • There are to be no more than two guests per 皇冠足彩 host
  • No one should admit non-皇冠足彩 community members into a dormitory without staff approval
  • Guests should not arrive before 9:00 am
  • Guests must depart by on-wing time

Approval of all guests is at the discretion of the Director of Residential Life and may include, but not be limited to the following factors:

  • Age
  • Number of people in the dormitory
  • Misconduct record or past behavior of the 皇冠足彩 student
  • Misconduct record or past behavior of guest
  • Late request
  • Restrictions by parents/legal guardians
  • Exceeding number of guests per room or number of nights

Visiting Other 皇冠足彩 Student Rooms

To respect all community members, 皇冠足彩 students may not enter a dorm room that is not their own without being accompanied by someone who permanently resides in the room. Knock prior to entering a room when the door is closed.

Closed Weekends

Certain weekends throughout the school year are designated as being "closed." A "closed" weekend means that visitors are not permitted on campus for an overnight visit. In addition, students are encouraged to stay on campus as some of these days count as official school days.


Rated R movies should only be watched by students who are 18 or older and never shown in public areas without approval from the Director of Residential Life.  The students watching the movie will also need parent permission if the student is 17 or under. For example, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is a tradition at 皇冠足彩.


During orientation, students and parents/legal guardians will be presented with guidelines of what are acceptable and unacceptable public displays of affection. Public displays of affection that make others uncomfortable, or invading others personal space without consent is not acceptable. 皇冠足彩 encourages students who are considering exploring their relationship to speak with their parents/guardians, a counselor, or a health educator about the issues of intimacy, accountability, and responsibility.




An important part of the residential experience is learning how to live in a shared space. Changing roommates or rooms is strongly discouraged and will be approved only when all avenues have been exhausted and all parties agree that a change is in everyone's best interest. Residential Assistants can be an initial resource for roommates who are having difficulties living together. After attempting to resolve their conflicts, students should contact a member of the Residential Life Staff for mediation.

Decorations / Room Arrangements

Students are encouraged to make their rooms comfortable; however, it is important to realize there are state codes that must be followed by the school. Therefore, the residential staff has the right to determine the appropriate decoration of rooms. These guidelines are not intended to limit room personalization, but are necessary to ensure the safety of occupants and emergency personnel.

Doors must be able to open fully, with a clear path from the door to the window and from the door to the beds. Beds must be visible from the doorway and nothing can be blocking the line of sight. The fire alarm strobe lights in each room cannot be decorated and clearly visible at all times.

Students are not allowed to decorate or arrange their rooms in a manner that interferes with the operation, maintenance, or use of smoke detectors, sprinkler heads or pipes. They may not decorate their rooms in any manner that creates a fire hazard or is otherwise deemed unsafe. No items are to be hung from sprinkler pipes. The Residential Life Staff reserves the right to remove any objects from a students room that are deemed inappropriate or a hazard to our community.

Door  Signs

Each room has a door sign with the students' names on it.  If the sign is tampered with in any way, the student will go before the Disciplinary Committee and be responsible for all damages.

Appliances with heating elements are not allowed in student dorm rooms at any time:

  • Electric Pressure Cookers (Instant Pots)
  • Microwave Ovens
  • Air Fryers
  • Kettles of any kind
  • Electric coffee pots or K Cups
  • Toaster/toaster oven

Room Draw

During the final weeks of the year, returning students will have the opportunity to participate in 皇冠足彩's Room Draw. This is an event which provides students the ability to select their rooms for the following academic year. Although 皇冠足彩 will do its best, rooms selected during room draw are not guaranteed.  Students who do not return their 2024-2025 contract will not be permitted to select a room until it is completed and returned to admissions.

The order of room draw is decided by class as well as the number of years a student has attended 皇冠足彩. Certain wings of the dormitory may require specific criteria and permission from residential life staff. These areas will typically be held for upperclassmen and students who have shown themselves to be responsible, trustworthy, and mature.
Students who sign up for a double or triple room with an open bed should understand they will  be the first to be assigned a new student to their room at some point during the summer or that they may be moved to accommodate incoming students.

Students who choose not to participate in Room Draw will be placed in a room and with roommates not of their choosing. Residential staff will attempt to contact students who do not participate in Room Draw to ask for their preferences. It is in all parties' interest that students give some input into this process. If students are unreachable or do not respond to inquiries they will be placed in an open bed by Res Life staff.

Dress and Grooming Guidelines

In choosing apparel, please keep in mind that the academic building is shared with the Limestone Community School (LCS) which is a pre-K to grade 8 facility. Dress and grooming standards while in the academic building, in the residential building, and at official school functions are:

  • No see-through apparel, bare midriffs, bare-back tops, short shorts, and micro skirts
  • Footwear with soles must be worn in the academic building and on school grounds. Students without proper footwear cannot be served in the dining hall nor permitted to do their work assignments. No spikes or cleats may be worn in the academic or residential buildings
  • No obscene/offensive language or images on articles of clothing or accessories. This includes advertising that promotes products illegal to minors
  • No items that could be interpreted as drug paraphernalia, weapons, or as being gang-related
  • Hats are prohibited in the Limestone Community School building. In the interest of promoting a congenial community, please remove headwear in areas shared with LCS

The final authority regarding dress and grooming standards is left to the discretion of school administration. Any attire identified as indecent, disruptive, or inappropriate must be changed when asked.

Senior Privileges

Senior Privileges may be granted at the start of second semester. Seniors present a list of privileges they would like: Director of Residential LIfe and Senior Resident Instructor, in coordination with Division Leaders, will determine which privileges will be granted.



Students are responsible for cleaning their own rooms and common areas. Rooms are expected to be maintained in a healthy, neat and clean manner at all times. To ensure that rooms are kept up to the 皇冠足彩 standards, a residential staff member will conduct room inspections on a regular basis. In the event that rooms continue to fail inspection, students will meet with the Director of Residential Life to develop a support plan. We understand that students get busy during the day and room inspection could cause stress and anxiety. The expectation is to keep the room tidy and be a healthy space while they are at school.

  • Floors neat and clean; clothes and other items need to be kept off the floor
  • Beds tidy
  • Trash cans emptied
  • Furniture location approved
  • Clutter picked up, including under the bed
  • Clothes put away or place neatly in piles

All students are responsible for helping maintain the family common areas and dorm kitchen in a clean and orderly manner. If these areas are not kept clean, access may be restricted.


Approximately eight students share each individual bathroom in the dormitory. The school provides regular cleaning of bathrooms; however, it is the students' responsibility to keep their bathrooms picked up in order to facilitate these cleanings. Personal items are not to be left or stored in the bathrooms. It is vital to the community that students clean up after themselves and leave the bathroom in the same condition, or better, than they found it. Please report any and all maintenance needs to the residential staff immediately.


Students are responsible for the condition of their rooms, wings and other areas of the dormitory. Damages (malicious or not) incurred during the school year will be charged to the students. Malicious damage will have additional consequences. All roommate’s/wing residents will jointly share responsibility for room/wing damage unless individual responsibility can be established. During check-in at the beginning of the year, each RI will take the time to carefully note the room and furniture condition with the student. If damage occurs during the school year, it is the students' responsibility to notify their RI so the damage can be documented and repaired.

Leaving Campus

Leaving Campus

Sign In/Out Procedure

While 皇冠足彩 cannot guarantee knowledge of all students' whereabouts at all times, regulations governing signing out are designed to give the staff a reasonable knowledge of each student's location, and thus a way of reaching him/her in the event of an emergency.
The sign in/out process requires to fill out a REACH leave request and must check out with the staff member on duty to obtain approval.

Students must sign out any time they leave campus for a non sanctioned school trip. The one exception to this rule is the weekly trip to the Presque Isle Mall. Permission from the residential life staff is needed for any unsupervised trip lasting longer than two hours or extending outside of Limestone town limits.

Overnight Permission

Students seeking permission for an overnight excursion are required to submit an Overnight Leave Request through REACH. Students given permission to go on a non school sanctioned  overnight trip must check out with the staff member on to obtain approval.

Students do not need Overnight Permission Forms or parental permission to leave campus if they are going:

  • Home for mandatory closings such as extended weekends and holidays
  • On day trips with 皇冠足彩 staff to school-approved functions and activities (e.g., sports trips, competitions, etc.)


Automobiles on campus are a privilege and not a right. Students may have vehicles on campus from August 21st -November 17th. Students may return to campus with their cars upon arrival from April break.  When students arrive on campus with vehicles, they must park their vehicles in the assigned area and report directly to the residential staff to turn in all keys for the vehicles. Students who have brought cars to school may use their cars only when departing for extended weekends or vacations. All exceptions to this must be approved by the Director of Residential Life. Failure to abide by these regulations may result in loss or suspension of automobile privileges and may be considered a major school violation. Student vehicles are subject to search at any time while they are at 皇冠足彩.


REACH coordinates Leave Request procedures for School Staff, Parents, Hosts and Students by creating an easy to use, paperless system that you can access from anywhere at anytime and from any device. REACH is available for you to use from any PC or mobile device 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. The below sections are all coordinated through REACH during the school year.

Going Off-Campus

Students must sign-out each time they wish to leave campus. Students may sign-out if he/she/they are in good standing with academics and within the boarding community, has the proper permissions, and acts in accordance with the guidelines set in place by the Residential Life Handbook. Students must sign back in upon return to campus.

Leave Requests

Students are permitted to leave campus on the weekends to visit family and friends, provided the student is in good academic and social standing and has no work hours scheduled with the Residential Life Staff.

*Regardless of whether the Boarding Student satisfies the appropriate requirements, overnight visit requests with non-family member adults require the expressed permission of the Residential Life Staff



Because 皇冠足彩 has a unique mission, attendance is a privilege and not a right. 皇冠足彩 insists on high standards of performance and conduct both academically and residentially. Termination of the privilege to attend 皇冠足彩 may occur for reasons not necessarily applicable in local school administrative units.


Examples of violations include but are not limited to:

  • Disregard for sign-in and/or sign-out procedures
  • Use of inappropriate language
  • Causing a disruption on the wing or directly to other students
  • Failure to adhere to campus boundaries
  • Assault or battery
  • Hazing or bullying
  • Sexual assault and/or sexual harassment
  • Possession, distribution, and/or use of a dangerous weapon
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Illegal substance use/abuse or distribution
  • Gambling for profit
  • Possession of pyrotechnics or other dangerous substances
  • Acts that compromise safety (e.g. tampering with safety equipment, possession of lighters or other incendiary objects in the dormitory or other buildings, etc.)
  • Unauthorized possession of any dormitory or school building key
  • Dishonesty
  • Exiting/entering the dormitory through windows
  • Assisting in the execution of a student entering/exiting through a window of their own room or another students room
  • Possession of pornography
  • Possession and/or use of tobacco products inside or outside of school buildings
  • Presence in non-authorized areas such as rooftops or other exterior structures
  • Being on a wing of a different 'gender' than that of the wing they live on (not during inter lounge)
  • Allowing entry of a student from a differently gendered wing into their wing (not during inter lounge)
  • Hosting a student that does not live on the wing
  • Impersonating a faculty or staff member at anytime

All violations will go to the DIrector of Residential LIfe who can refer violations to the Disciplinary Committee for disciplinary action. If an incident occurs in which there are multiple violations staff may count each violation separately or consider the incident as one violation for the purpose of determining the consequence(s). While the system of consequences is generally progressive, 皇冠足彩 reserves the right to impose more severe consequences when the administration determines aggravating factors are present, and any disciplinary event may result in consequences up to and including dismissal. In all disciplinary cases, the administration reserves the right to take immediate action, up to and including immediate removal from campus, to maintain safety of the campus community.

Following any disciplinary action, the student and family will receive a Disciplinary Letter outlining a plan for improvement and any disciplinary consequences. Accumulation of four  disciplinary letters in an academic year demonstrates difficulty upholding community norms - students with four disciplinary letters will be presented to the Disciplinary Committee for decision on additional consequences, up to and including dismissal.

Students are expected to obey state and federal laws as all illegal activity is reported to local law enforcement and could result in immediate dismissal and criminal prosecution. This includes but is not limited to:

Students are expected to obey state and federal laws as all illegal activity is reported to local law enforcement and could result in immediate dismissal and criminal prosecution. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Assault and battery or other acts of violence
  • Sexual assault and/or sexual harassment
  • Any act or threat of violence against an individual or against the school
  • Distribution and/or sale of drugs or alcohol
  • Possession of dangerous weapons

Practical Jokes or Pranks

Students participating in practical jokes or pranks are often bordering on the line of hazing or harassment. To protect the community and individuals, this type of behavior is not permitted and may be addressed as a major violation.

End of Year Violations

Graduating students who commit a major violation within the week prior to graduation may be immediately suspended from school and jeopardize their ability to participate in graduation ceremonies. Non-graduating students who commit a violation will face consequences upon their return the next academic year. Students will be required to leave campus immediately following their last exam and will lose the privilege of attending graduation ceremonies.

Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines

Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines

To ensure a safe environment for each and every student, 皇冠足彩 has the responsibility to enforce school rules and policies. 皇冠足彩 believes that healthy and appropriate relationships between students and staff as well as the guiding principles throughout this handbook are cornerstones to avoiding disciplinary issues. As such, staff do all they can to support students by building relationships, explaining rules and maintaining an open dialogue with them. Parents/guardians are often invited to participate when disciplinary issues arise.

The absence of a specifically defined rule, regulation, procedure, or policy should not be viewed as an indication of acceptable behavior. Students should always ask themselves how their behavior will affect the community and should ask for clarification before participating in questionable behaviors. Students enrolled at 皇冠足彩 are considered under 皇冠足彩 jurisdiction, regardless of whether they are on campus or not.

皇冠足彩 works to avoid punitive consequences by treating students as individuals, providing opportunities for them to acknowledge mistakes, and listening to their concerns. Meetings with faculty, residential and administrative staff help to identify the root of disciplinary issues. When their actions have impacted the community, 皇冠足彩 will make every attempt to provide students the opportunity to accept responsibility by participating in restorative practices and rebuilding relationships.

Students are encouraged to self-refer by taking the initiative to contact any school employee regarding disciplinary infractions in which they may have been involved. For students who self-refer, an individual health/safety plan will be developed. Self-referral is not a guarantee that students will be fully exempt from potential consequences as our students' health and wellbeing will always be 皇冠足彩's top priority.

While this handbook provides a guide for disciplinary action, none of the procedures are guaranteed. 皇冠足彩 reserves the right to proceed with a disciplinary response as it sees necessary depending on the circumstances. The school imposes consequences appropriate to the rule broken, taking into account a student's disciplinary history. In addition to consequences, the school provides support and requires counseling when necessary. Failure to adhere to the assigned consequences for any violation will result in additional disciplinary action.
Students are expected to cooperate honestly during investigations and will be held accountable for failures to comply. The level of cooperation and honesty a student exhibits influences 皇冠足彩's response to infractions. In the event students deny involvement, the school takes disciplinary action when reasonable evidence exists. Dishonesty or failure to cooperate during an investigation could result in the student being suspended or dismissed.

Students are expected to cooperate honestly during investigations and will be held accountable for failures to comply. The level of cooperation and honesty a student exhibits influences 皇冠足彩's response to infractions. In the event students deny involvement, the school takes disciplinary action when reasonable evidence exists. Dishonesty or failure to cooperate during an investigation could result in the student being suspended or dismissed.

Disciplinary Process

Disciplinary Process

The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining disciplinary procedures and monitoring all disciplinary matters at 皇冠足彩. The Directory of Residential Life works with the Disciplinary Committee to ensure all discipline is carried out. 皇冠足彩 expects all students to follow the rules, guidelines, procedures, and policies outlined in this handbook and will implement steps described in these sections should other avenues of support fail.

Notification of Violations

Students and parents/legal guardians will be notified of any violations that occur. All violations will be logged into 皇冠足彩's student information system.

Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee consists of five members of the faculty and staff and reviews all violations referred by the Director of Residence Life.  The members of this committee are gathered by pooling individuals that ensure their availability and avoids any potential conflicts or interests. This five member team will include at least two representatives from each group for any given case review. The Director of Residential Life is responsible for Disciplinary Committee pool member training, is a non-voting member, and facilitates the Disciplinary Committee meetings.

The purpose of the Disciplinary Committee is to ensure a fair and transparent process for all students while upholding school rules. The Team has two objectives:(1) to review the facts of the case and make a determination as to whether or not a school rule has been broken. (2) when appropriate, recommend a fair and reasonable school response to the infraction. Determinations and recommendations are made to the Director of Residential Life.

A thorough review of the events shall be conducted by the Disciplinary Committee. A student’s entire school record that includes, but is not limited to, grades, attendance, incident reports, dormitory infractions, and community contributions are examined. The Director of Residential Life shall provide written statement(s) from the student(s) in question as well as documentation of other relevant information collected during the investigation. Students’ advisors are invited and encouraged to act as their advisees' advocate during investigative and Disciplinary Committee meetings. Both the student’s advisor and the Director of Residential Life depart once the Disciplinary Committee has reviewed all relevant information and begin the deliberation and voting stages of the meeting.

Under certain circumstances, the Director of Residential Life may approve a student’s request to have an additional or alternative advocate participate in investigatory meetings. This advocate may be requested to attend the Disciplinary Committee meeting.

Searches and Inspections

To protect and promote student safety, health and well-being, student rooms, dormitory common areas, and student vehicles must be free of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, and any other substances that may be harmful to the community. To this end, 皇冠足彩 shall have access and retain ultimate control of student rooms and vehicles, reserving the right to inspect and search student rooms/contents and vehicles at any time without prior notice. When reasonable suspicion arises, individuals may be searched along with their personal items, including, but not limited to: garment bags, handbags, book bags, athletic bags, and suitcases.

Searches or inspections may include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances:

  • Maintenance: 皇冠足彩 maintenance personnel have access to student rooms at all times in order to perform their duties as assigned by 皇冠足彩. They are expected to report any inappropriate activities or items they observe while performing their duties.
  • Room Inspections: Staff will conduct scheduled room inspections with prior notice to students, and will inspect each room after the Residential Hall is closed for long weekends and vacation periods. 
  • Unannounced inspections: From time to time, staff will conduct unannounced inspections of student rooms.
  • Enforcement of school rules: The administration may authorize entry of student rooms or vehicles at any time without prior notice to ensure compliance with school rules and state law. As much as is possible, students will be present for such searches.
  • Canines, metal detectors, and devices: In conducting room or vehicle searches or inspections, 皇冠足彩 may utilize methods designed to detect the presence of illegal substances or objects.
  • 皇冠足彩 may also utilize the services of law enforcement personnel or other qualified persons who have expertise in these matters.

If any activity violating 皇冠足彩 rules or state law is discovered during the course of any inspection or search, the student(s) will face the consequences.

At certain times, the School may offer an amnesty period where students can anonymously turn in any restricted items in their possession without consequences. These will be announced and overseen by the Director of Residential Life and are at the sole discretion of the School.

Weekend Restriction

Weekend restriction begins at 6:00 on Friday to Sunday at 6:00pm. Students are not allowed to leave campus or participate in school events. Students may leave the dormitory between 10:00 am and 6:30 pm. They must have a face to face interaction with a residential staff member before doing so. Students must be in their rooms after 6:00 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Neither students placed on restriction nor their roommates may have guests in their room. If students need to go to the Learning Center on Sunday night, they may do so after checking in with a residential staff member on duty. All computer use must be for academic reasons. Students who fail to comply with this computer use regulation may have their computers confiscated or only be allowed to use their computers in designated areas under close monitoring by the residential staff. Failure to comply with weekend restriction rules may result in additional disciplinary action including additional weekend restrictions.

Emergency Suspension

When an administrator becomes aware of serious student misconduct and feels that immediate removal of the student is necessary to restore order, to protect persons on the school grounds, to protect school property, they will meet with the student to assign and explain the purpose of the suspension and to allow the student to respond. This constitutes an informal hearing. Parents/legal guardians will be made aware of this and are expected to pick up their child from campus that day, or make other arrangements that will immediately remove the student from school grounds. The student is placed on restriction until the time of departure. The student must leave campus as soon as possible. Transportation expenses are the responsibility of the student's parents/legal guardians. A written follow-up outlining the reason(s) for the emergency suspension are sent to the student and parents/legal guardians within three (3) business days. While the student is suspended, an administrator will conduct a complete investigation. All parties involved are informed of the results and any further disciplinary action that might be needed.




Students may be placed on restriction for school rule violations. Students placed on restriction must be in their rooms by 6:30 pm and remain there for the remainder of the night. Neither students placed on restriction nor their roommates may have guests in their room. All computer use must be for academic reasons. Students who fail to comply with this computer use regulation may have their computers confiscated or its use confined to designated areas under close monitoring by the residential staff. Failure to comply with restriction rules may result in additional disciplinary action including weekend restrictions.

Weekend Restriction

Weekend restriction begins at 6:30 on Friday evening and lasts all weekend. Students are not allowed to leave campus or participate in school events. Students may leave the dormitory between 10:00 am and 6:30 pm. They must have a face to face interaction with a residential staff member before doing so. Students must be in their rooms after 6:30 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Neither students placed on restriction nor their roommates may have guests in their room. If students need to go to the Learning Center on Sunday night, they may do so after checking in with a residential staff member on duty. All computer use must be for academic reasons. Students who fail to comply with this computer use regulation may have their computers confiscated or only be allowed to use their computers in designated areas under close monitoring by the residential staff. Failure to comply with weekend restriction rules may result in additional disciplinary action including additional weekend restrictions.

Emergency Suspension

When an administrator becomes aware of serious student misconduct and feels that immediate removal of the student is necessary to restore order, to protect persons on the school grounds, to protect school property, or to uphold medical safety protocols (such as those related to COVID-19) he/she will meet with the student to assign and explain the purpose of the suspension and to allow the student to respond. This constitutes an informal hearing. Parents/legal guardians will be made aware of this and are expected to pick up their child from campus that day, or make other arrangements that will immediately remove the student from school grounds. The student is placed on restriction until the time of departure. The student must leave campus as soon as possible. Transportation expenses are the responsibility of the student's parents/legal guardians. A written follow-up outlining the reason(s) for the emergency suspension are sent to the student and parents/legal guardians within three (3) business days. While the student is suspended, an administrator will conduct a complete investigation. All parties involved are informed of the results and any further disciplinary action that might be needed.

Frequently Referenced 皇冠足彩 Policies, Rules, and Procedures

Frequently Referenced 皇冠足彩 Policies, Rules, and Procedures

Notice of Non-Discrimination

皇冠足彩 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, ancestry, national origin, genetic information, or disability in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

  • Dr Greg Hamlin (he/him/his)
  • Title IX Coordinator, Affirmative Action Officer
  • Email:
  • Cell: 1(607) 301-3922

For further information on notice of non-discrimination you may contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights. Web:; Phone: 1-800-368-1019; Email:; TDD: 1-800-537-7697


No employee of the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (皇冠足彩) may accept any monetary gifts (including cash, checks, debit cards, gift cards, gift certificates, or any negotiable instrument) from parents/guardians, board members, students, suppliers, vendors, etc., in any amount whatsoever. In the event that a monetary gift is offered, the employee should refer the donor to the Director of the 皇冠足彩 Foundation, Inc.

It is against 皇冠足彩 policy for an employee to accept gifts from any person or business that conducts business, or expects to conduct business, with 皇冠足彩.
Further, it is unlawful for persons or businesses to give gifts to School staff and for School staff to accept gifts that are intended to improperly influence the School staff in the exercise of their duties.

For the purpose of administrative guidance, gifts do not include advertising items of nominal value such as calendars, pens, or pencils. However, goods and services which involve a pecuniary benefit should be considered to be gifts.Reference: Title 17-A M.R.S.A. Sections 602, 604, 605 and 606

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

皇冠足彩 supports a safe and healthy learning environment for students that are free of the detrimental effect of drugs and alcohol.

Maine State Law and the Maine School of Science and Mathematics prohibit the use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances, such as drugs and alcohol on school grounds. Any person possessing, using, distributing or aiding in the distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol or drug paraphernalia shall be subject to disciplinary action as defined under the Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines section of this handbook.

If a student is suspected of purchasing, possessing, using, distributing, or aiding in the distribution or use of alcohol, drug paraphernalia, illegal drugs, or in the misuse of legal prescription or nonprescription drugs, parents/legal guardians will immediately be contacted. Two administrators will then approach the student to conduct a full investigation. Depending on the findings the administration will notify the appropriate law enforcement officials and take disciplinary action if needed as defined in the Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines section of the Community Handbook.

Possession is defined as having in one's room, vehicle, on one's person, or cached on or off the premises.

Use is defined as the consumption of drugs or alcohol as determined by direct observations, the emission of the odor of drugs/alcohol, or the positive reading produced via drug/alcohol tests. In addition, other corroborating signs of using include slurred speech, uncoordinated bodily movements, disorientation, and/or incoherence. Students believed to have consumed drugs/alcohol who deny it may be asked to take an alcohol breath test/drug urine test administered in private by an 皇冠足彩 staff member or a law enforcement official. Refusal to take the test may result in the student being charged with the violation.

Distribution is defined as buying, giving, or aiding in the purchase or distribution of alcohol, drug paraphernalia or drugs to anyone, regardless of whether they attend 皇冠足彩.

Tobacco Policy

In order to promote the health, welfare, and safety of students, staff, and visitors and to promote the cleanliness of 皇冠足彩 facilities, the Board of Trustees, and Maine law prohibits smoking and all other use of tobacco products in School buildings and other School facilities, on School buses, and on School grounds at all times by all persons.

In addition, students are further prohibited from possessing, selling, distributing or dispensing tobacco products in School buildings, facilities, on School grounds, and buses during School-sponsored events and at all other times.

Employees and all other persons are also strictly prohibited, under law and Board of Trustees policy, from selling, distributing or in any way dispensing tobacco products to students.

Dangerous Weapons

Under 皇冠足彩 policy, metal darts, guns, slingshots, archery equipment and knives are considered dangerous weapons and are not allowed at 皇冠足彩. In addition, no guns of any kind (including facsimiles of real guns) are allowed at 皇冠足彩. Other items not listed here may be considered dangerous weapons. If you have questions about an item, please see an 皇冠足彩 administrator for clarification.

Possession, distribution, or use of a dangerous weapon is a violation.

Immunization Policy

Where 皇冠足彩 is a residential School where students are in close proximity for extended times, it is particularly important that students are immunized.

All students who enroll in the School are required by Maine law to present a certificate of immunization or evidence of immunization or immunity against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chicken pox). 皇冠足彩 requires in addition that all students be immunized or show evidence of immunity from hepatitis A and meningitis. 皇冠足彩 also recommends that students be inoculated with the appropriate flu vaccine every year.

Non-immunized students shall not be permitted to attend School unless one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The parents/legal guardians provide to the school written assurance that the child will be immunized within 90 days of enrolling in school or his/her first attendance in classes, whichever date is earlier. This option is available only once to each student during their school career; or
  2. The parents/legal guardians provide a physician's written statement each year that immunization against one or more diseases may be medically inadvisable (as defined by law/regulation); or
  3. The parents/legal guardians state in writing each year that immunization is contrary to their sincere religious or philosophical beliefs.
  4. The parents/legal guardians grant written consent for their child to be immunized by a public health officer, physician, Director of Health Services or other authorized person employed by or acting as an agent of the School.

The Executive Director shall exclude from the School any non-immunized student when there is a clear danger to the health of students, staff, and the general public as provided by law. If a student is absent from the School due to conditions in this paragraph for more than ten days, the Executive Director shall make arrangements to meet the educational needs of the student. Any student not immunized shall be sent home in the event of an outbreak of any illness or disease stated above-stated for which the student is not immunized. Unvaccinated students in the case of an outbreak of disease in which they are not vaccinated against will be excluded from School for at least 16 days from the last identified case. The student will be allowed to return to the School once the School's medical personnel deem it appropriate. In the event that the student is sent home due to the conditions in this paragraph, the School is not required to provide tutoring, off-site classes, or other academic accommodations.

The Executive Director, in consultation with School medical personnel, has broad authority to modify the requirements of this policy as conditions and events change.

Harassment Policy

It is the policy of the Maine School of Science and Mathematics that all employees and students are able to enjoy a work, educational, and living environment free from all forms of distraction, including discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, age, sect, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, status as a veteran, or other protected status. Offensive or harassing behavior is not tolerated against any student or employee. Harassment is illegal under state and federal laws. This policy covers vendors, visitors, and others who enter our facilities, as well as all students and employees. Administrative personnel are responsible for taking proper action to end such behavior. In an effort to prevent harassment from occurring, this policy against harassment will be communicated to each student and employee. No student or employee of 皇冠足彩 is exempt from this policy. Offensive conduct or harassment is strictly prohibited. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive physical actions, written or spoken, and graphic communication (i.e., obscene hand gestures or sexually explicit drawings)
  • Any type of physical contact when the action is unwelcomed by the recipient; i.e., brushing up against someone in an offensive manner
  • Expectations, requests, demands, or pressure for sexual favors
  • Slurs, jokes, posters, cartoons, and gestures that are offensive
  • Inappropriate or offensive email

All such offensive conduct is considered a form of harassment when any of the following is true:

  • There is a promise or implied promise of preferential treatment or negative consequence regarding employment, educational decisions, or status
  • Such conduct has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or living environment; or unreasonably interferes with a person's work performance
  • A third party is offended by the sexual conduct or communications of others

Harassment is a form of misconduct. Disciplinary action, including termination of employment or expulsion from 皇冠足彩, may be taken against any employee or student engaging in this type of behavior. Any employee who has knowledge of such behavior and does not report it to an 皇冠足彩 official is also subject to disciplinary action.

Anyone who believes he/she is being discriminated against as a result of harassing behavior based on any protected status is encouraged to report it. Complaints should be made to a school official. Once notified, an immediate investigation of the allegations will be conducted and necessary corrective action will be taken. All complaints will remain as confidential as possible.

Hazing Policy

Maine statute defines injurious hazing as "any action or situation, including harassing behavior, that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of any School personnel or a student enrolled in a public School."

Injurious hazing activities of any type, either on or off School property, by any student, staff member, group or organization affiliated with this School, are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times.

"Harassing behavior" includes acts of intimidation and any other conduct that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of a student or staff member.

"Acts of intimidation" include extortion, menacing, direct or indirect threats of violence, incidents of violence, bullying, statements or taunting of a malicious and/or derogatory nature that recklessly or intentionally endanger the mental or physical health of another person, and property damage or theft.

No administrator, faculty member, or other employee of the School shall encourage, permit, condone, or tolerate injurious hazing activities. No student, including leaders of students' organizations, shall plan, encourage, or engage in injurious hazing activities.

Students who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate measures. Administrators, professional staff, and all other employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

In the case of an organization affiliated with this School that authorizes hazing, penalties may include rescission of permission for that organization to operate on School property or to receive any other benefit of affiliation with the School. Persons not associated with this School who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to ejection from School property and/or other measures as may be available under the law. These penalties shall be in addition to any civil or criminal penalties to which the violator or organization may be subject.

The Executive Director/designee shall be responsible for administering this policy. In the event that an individual or organization disagrees with an action—or lack of action—on the part of the Executive Director/designee as he/she carries out the provisions of this policy, that individual or organization may appeal to the Board of Trustees. The ruling of the Board of Trustees with respect to the provisions of this policy shall be final.

Student Educational Records

Student Educational Records

皇冠足彩 is in compliance with all State and Federal rules and regulations regarding student information, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Two of 皇冠足彩's policies that parents/legal guardians and students should be familiar with are Student Educational Records (Policy Code JRA) and Notification of Rights Under FERPA (Policy Code JRA-E). They can be found on the 皇冠足彩 website under the Board of Trustees webpage.

Legal Notices


Integrated Pest Management Notification

Pest Control

Because pesticides pose risks, the school uses an alternative approach to merely applying pesticides. Control of insects, rodents, and weeds at our school focuses on making the school buildings and grounds an unfavorable place for pests to live and breed. Through maintenance and cleaning, we will reduce or eliminate available food and water sources and hiding places for the pests. We will also routinely monitor the school area to detect pest problems and prevent the pests from becoming established. Some techniques we will use include pest monitoring, sanitation, pest exclusion, proper food storage, pest removal, good turf and plant care, and--as a last resort--pesticides. This holistic approach is often called Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Pesticide Use

Sometimes pesticide use may be necessary to control a pest problem. When that happens, the school will use the lowest risk approach available. If higher risk pesticides must be used, notices will be posted at application sites and advance notice will be sent home with students.

Your Right to Know

Parents/legal guardians, and school staff will be notified about certain pesticide applications made at the school. Notification will be given at least five days before planned pesticide applications during the regular school year. In addition, for pesticides applied anytime during the year, notices will also be posted in the school and on school grounds two working days before until 48 hours after the application. Notification need not be given for pesticide applications recognized by law to pose little or no risk of exposure to children or staff.
The school also keeps records of pest monitoring, pesticide applications and information about the pesticides used. You may review these records, a copy of the School's Integrated Pest Management Policy and the Pesticides in Schools regulation (CMR 01-026 Chapter 27) by contacting our IPM coordinator at 207-325¬3794.

If you have any questions, please contact the Maine School of Science and Mathematics' Maintenance Director at 207-325-3794. For further information about pests, pesticides and your right to know, you may call the Board of Pesticides Control at the Maine Department of Agriculture at 207-287-2731 or visit the Maine School IPM web site at

If information in this handbook is contrary to 皇冠足彩 policy, the policy supersedes this handbook.